vrijdag 15 juni 2012

Lady Gaga FAME fragrance

FINALLY IT'S OUT !!! the first picture of the new LADY GAGA perfume called FAME, and may i say I LOVE IT it's even more than i expected. if you know what the ingredients are your definitely gonna say THAT IS GAGA !!! so, here it goes....Tears of BellaDonna, Crushed Heart of Tiger Orchidea with a black veil of incense, Pulverized Apricot and the combinative essences of Saffron and Honey Drops....NO NO i'm not making this up AND let me tell you one other AMAZING thing: this is the first ever perfume that's black YES black as-in THE L I Q U I D IS BLACK. i think i'm in fragrance heaven.
We have to wait a little while though, the launch will be in September.....So, paw's up if you like it !!!

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